M67 Sharpshooter rifle.
Technical information:
Name: Kongsberg sharpshooter M67
Production year: 1967
Experimental started:
Calibre: 22 lr, 6,5x55 and 308
Magasin capacity: 5
Produced at: Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk
Stockmaterial: beech laminate
Lockmechanism: Bolt action
Approved by the army: This never happened despite good test results.
Number produced:
First time produced at Kongsberg arms factory in 1967. Build on the M98 Mauser mechanism with a standard safety. In short, it is a developed M59 sharpshooter rifle. It was delivered with a stock of laminated beech. A new model of the stock came later, in 1989, also in laminated beech, but now with adjustable height on the butt stock. The new stock was not approved for shooting competition arranged by DFS until 1 of January 1990. ( DFS = The national shooting federation ). You could get it both with a busk diopter sight or without sight. These rifles were used by many in the DFS competitions until the Sauer 200 STR rifle came in 1990. Shortly after the Sauer 200 came on the market virtually no one used the old Kongsberg M67 in competitions. Since the Sauer came, all the winners of the national championship have used that rifle. The army had some tests with the M67 at the end of the seventies since they wanted a new sharpshooter rifle. The tests were done by SVI and the result was in favor of the M67. The conclusion was that if the army replaced the scoped AG3 with a scoped M67 the accuracy would be more then doubled. Despite this, the army never approved the M67 from Kongsberg.